How to Create a Judo Logo?

Creston Judo Logo

General information

In Japanese, the word “judo” means “gentle way” which explains the philosophy and self-discipline behind this martial art. Founded in the 19th century by Kodokan Judo Institute, this combat sport rests on the principle of maximum efficiency with minimum effort.

USA Judo Logo
Keidokwai Judo Logo
Judo World Logo
Judo Lisy Logo

How to choose the right elements?

When it comes to judo logo, less is more. Forget about intricate patterns and sophisticated design solutions. To fully convey the philosophy, your design must be airy and precise. As for icons, you can employ a fighter in a kimono or a strong yet gracious animal (bear, tiger, etc.).

Team Jemni Judo Logo
Judo Pride Logo
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How to choose the right colors?

Now to the color palette. You can’t go wrong with black and white. Putting a rising sun on the background might be a good idea. Creating a judo logo is like walking a tightrope. While you have enough space for experimentation, you must not let yourself get carried away.

Judo Logo
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Judo Dragon Logo

Logos created by ZenBusiness

Before you start creating, you can familiarize yourself with the works of our users.

Boomerang Judi ZenBusiness logo
Judo In Out ZenBusiness logo
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